Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

  1. News
  2. Whole school
  3. Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February

9 February 2018 (by admin)

The internet is a great learning tool for children, but it also can expose our children to risk. All classes had an e-safety lesson on Tuesday, and talked about the SMART rule:

SAFE (not sharing information) MEETING (not everyone is who they say they are) ACCEPTING( don’t open attachments, pop-ups etc), RELIABLE (not everything you read on-line is real) TELL (if something makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe) Our fantastic Digital Leaders also created internet safety posters and did a short talk on how to stay safe with each class. Please talk about staying safe online with your children and monitor their use of the internet. You can find more information and support by clicking the link below.