Welcome to P2! Our teacher's are Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Dunlop and our classroom assistants are Mrs Stewart and Mrs McClarnen. We have been settling in nicely into another school year. We have made lots of new friends and we are engaging in lots of learning. Take a look at what we have been up to so far this year.
Our topic this term is 'Healthy me' and we have been learning about all the different ways that we can keep our body and mind healthy. During our topic lessons we have been learning about the roles of doctors, nurses, dentists and pharmacists. We also learned about looking after our teeth by ensuring that we brush regularly and avoid food and drinks that are harmful to our teeth. As a special reward for our learning we were treated to a new toothbrush and toothpaste from Colgate! During out topic play we have been engaging in lots of fun activities including a role play pharmacy, healthy food bingo and making fruit faces based on the work of Giuseppe Archimboldo. We also enjoyed making 'Get well soon' cards and using the Lego to design a park or gym. We also used the apple scented dough to make a range of healthy foods and we even had a try at making some dancing skeletons!
We have some pictures from our play below. We have included some of our learning intentions so you can discover all the things we are investigating.
We have been learning how to use an app on the Ipads called 'Art Set' and have drawn some fabulous pictures of food as part of our topic work.
We have been very busy this term improving our reading and writing skills. We have been been working on our phonic skills and really enjoy the games we play with our new phonics sounds each week. P2 have been having a go at sounding out some tricky words and trying to recognise the vowel sounds in the middle of some 3 letter words. We are almost ready to move on to some trickier 4 letter words! We have also been using our fantastic phonic skills to write some fantastic independent writing. We have retold the story of 'Handa's Surprise' and wrote some fantastic instructions on how to make Fruit Salad (after we had a go at making some yummy fruit salad of our own).
We had a fantastic time making some yummy fruit salad to promote healthy eating. We had a chance to peel, chop and mix up the ingredients. It was very easy to make and we loved tasting it afterwards. Most of us loved it!
We have been very busy this term learning all about numbers. We have been working on the number bonds of numbers within 15 and have been working on developing their mathematical language. We have been practising addition strategies and then applying this to working with money. We have been setting out amounts, counting coins, exchanging for the smallest amount of coins.
We have been completing lots of sorting activities using Venn diagrams, overlapping Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams. Sometimes these can we tricky but look how great we can sort the resources in the classroom!
This year Rosetta took part in Maths Week for the very first time. We had lots of fun in class learning all about 2D shapes and patterns. We took part in lots of practical activities including investigating the properties of 2D shapes, making 2D shape monsters, making shape patterns, making 2D shapes using our bodies and outdoor maths shapes games. Even though we were 'playing' we were learning lots about shapes at the same time!
We have worked so hard this term and we could not wait to let our hair down and relax on the last day of term. We had a dress up day and made creepy spider buns! We are ready for another busy few weeks when we return in November.
Term 1:2
We have been taking part in some more outdoor maths sessions and had great fun collecting leaves and sticks to make sets within 20. We then had a go at making some natural patterns.
Our new topic is ‘Fabulous Food’ and to introduce us to the topic we have been investigating how red cabbage juice changes the acidity of different items. We used droppers and added 3 drops of red cabbage juice to 1 teaspoon samples of vinegar, lemon juice, milk, soap and baking soda. We loved watching the samples change into rainbow colours but we did not like the smell of the cabbage!
We have been enjoying playing a range of spelling games. We can spell lots of 3 letter CVC words and some 4 letter CVCC and CCVC words.